Sunday, September 18, 2011

Made candy apples with the kiddos for a bbq with the Collin's

Sunday, September 11, 2011

 First day of second grade
 First day of pre school
 First day of pre school
Where she spends all day! 6month check up....18 pounds

Monday, September 5, 2011

 Talked about the Lords prayer today....give us this day our daily bread..... that turnd into a conversation about wastfullness....turned into the classic hungry kids in Africa speech that led to Max making a package of food to send to Africa :)

Took the kids to Top Sail was wonderful and we stayed till the sun set. They were very good and had a great time. All are asleep in bed now....missing you lots.

Friday, September 2, 2011

 At the Konza Prarrie with much fun hiking
 Talia and Mason

 Had to suitcases!
At Chuk-e-cheese for Owen's 5th

 Max playing flag football....he's by the cone in the white shirt:)

At lego place in Raleigh was like heaven for them!
 Boys think it's so funny she is eating now!
Thrift store steal...thinks she's hot stuff with the brothers
 some hurricane damage in neighborhood

Nothing much to our house....just a huge mess....finally finished raking the front just have some more piles up top. Notice my "helpers" in the driveway, yes Owen is swing a broom at Mason.